About Me

Hi!I am a Computer Science Grad Student at SRM Institute of Science And Technology. I enjoy problem-solving, watching movies and have recently found it really interesting to code and design websites. Always strive to bring 100% to the work I do.Adobe Systems. Solving Real life problems pumps me up.

"Practice makes a man perfect."

Workshop Experience

Day 1

Learned how to setup github, git and vs code. Started working on the foundation of this webpage. Edited Virat Kohli's webpage on CodePen

Day 2

Made a Repository. Got to learn in depth about CSS, JS and HTML. Made a Tic-Tac-Toe game.

Day 3

Learned about XML Image vs Visualisation Made a Movie Data Analysis using Zoho Analytics Tool

Day 4

Worked on the Webpage.

Learned about Javascript Algos Repository


Makes good fried eggs

Makes good Omlettes

Makes good boiled eggs

Makes good sunny side up eggs

Makes good poached eggs

Makes good whisked eggs

Web Development Workshop

September 2022

Workshop Experience

It was a great experience learning with Prof Parthiban and Prof kavyapriya. Kudos to them. Before the workshop i was clueless about web dev. I couldn't even use github appropriately. It was an eye-opening workshop. I learned the basics of web dev, and multiple languages. But more than anything else it made realise that things are not as complex as they seem.



SRM Institute of Technology

B.Tech in Computer science w/s in Big Data Analytics.

Class XII - 2021

Ahlcon Public School, CBSE

Scored 90.2%